Benjamin Kyle writes 'Thank You' post

Man learns his true identity after 11 years, thanks those who helped him

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JACKSONVILLE, Fla. – Benjamin Kyle was found in 2004 behind a dumpster at a Burger King in the Savannah, Georgia area.  He had been beaten and was left for dead. 

When he woke up in a hospital, he had no memory.  He gave himself the name Benjamin Kyle, BK, based on where he was found.  11 years later, he has finally learned his true identity, thanks to DNA. 

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He has issued this "Thank You" post:

MY IDENTITY HAS BEEN FOUND! It is now the start of the eleventh year since this began and I never thought this day would come. A little over two months ago I was informed by CeCe Moore that that they had established my Identity using DNA. Many people had shared their DNA profiles so that they could be compared with mine. Through a process of elimination they determined my ancestral bloodline and who my relatives were. A DNA test taken by a close relative has confirmed that we are related. I have been in contact with them and plan on visiting them next week. I will soon have a Social Security card and a new Florida ID card. I am reserving my new name for now until I have met my new found relatives.

I will no longer accept friend requests on Facebook. I have always (after getting burned once) been careful about accepting friend requests and I am going to be extra careful now.

I wish to thank all of my friends who have supported me over the years with a big thank you to the people who have helped me with this mess.
If I have left anyone out, please forgive me. Everyone knows my memory is faulty.

In no particular order here they are:

John Wikstrom, who along with Idan Menin and Ryan Cook, made the documentary that set the events into motion which led to my identification.

Jim Barrett - Powell Surname Project. He was the very first person (seven years ago) to get involved in the search for my identification by using DNA.

CeCe Moore who put a DNA research team together. The DNA team was CeCe Moore, Jim Barrett + DNAAdoption and their search angels: Patty Drabing, Karin Corbeil, Diane Harman-Hoog, and Marianne Brown.

Deborah Lynch - who kept my spirits up over many years and who forced me to celebrate Christmas.

Bennett Greenspan - President and founder of FamilyTreeDNA, who donated DNA test kits and expedited their processing.

Georgia Bureau of Investigation - Adrianne Smith McKita, Bo Radford Preston, and one person who wishes to remain anonymous, who works for and worked for the GBI. They started and maintained the; Facebook page on their own time.

Todd Matthews and NamUs - National Missing and Unidentified Persons System

Florida State Representative Mike Weinstein - he is now CFO for city of Jacksonville. He got the State of Florida to issue my first piece of official identification.

United States Congressman Jack Kingston

Joshua Schrutt - who paid me out of his own pocket,to work in his restaurant, when no one else would hire me.

Mission House in Jacksonville Beach and it's director Lori Anderson - the only agency for the homeless, in Jacksonville, that would offer any services to me.

Senator Bill Nelson and his office.

Jackie Dowd and Michael Kinney with IDignity in Orlando

23AndMe who also donated DNA test kits.

About the Authors
Kent Justice headshot

Kent Justice co-anchors News4Jax's 5 p.m., 6 p.m., 10 p.m. and 11 p.m. newscasts weeknights and reports on government and politics. He also hosts "This Week in Jacksonville," Channel 4's hot topics and politics public affairs show each Sunday morning at 9 a.m.