
Fight over dog feces DNA testing continues

HOA: Dog owners must pay $35 for test

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. – Channel 4 told you about the Villa Medici's new policy to DNA test dog feces on their property back in October. Monday night the complex had a meeting to discuss the new practice of matching pet owner's dogs with dog feces that's not cleaned up on the property. 

Channel 4 was not allowed inside the Villa Medici HOA meeting Monday, but the residents of the complex have mixed reviews over the new policy to DNA test dog's poop.

"Can't use the word bull****, right? That's basically it," said one resident Channel 4 spoke with.

JoEllen Katz said she supports the complex keeping other residents and their dogs in check.

"We need to make sure we enforce it with everybody, so I pick up after my dog, but there's people who don't, and we need to enforce it," said Katz.

"We feel that it's not enforceable," said former HOA president of Villa Medici, Gunilla Craven. "We feel it's not fair. Feel it's made a very discordant community and we're going to do everything we can to try and prevent this from going through."

Craven said her backers plan to appeal the decision to mandate every dog owner pay $35 to DNA test their dogs. Craven said she's even considering hiring an attorney, while some are resorting to other tactics.

RELATED: Complex works to end dog poop issue

"There have been threats, that's a problem. They're so angry that they say they're going to bring in feces from other neighborhoods, parks, to muddy up the system," said Craven.

"It was very rude, the letter was rude," said dog owner, Greg Allen. "The way they came off, and even in the meeting, with the same attitude -- demanding. We're the owners and we pay the salaries of people that sit in there and they don't want to listen. They're trying to force it down our throat."

All dog owners have to comply by Nov. 30 and get their dog's poop tested. The HOA told the opposition Monday that if they want to appeal, they'll have to do it at another meeting in the future.

About the Author

Scott is a multi-Emmy Award Winning Anchor and Reporter, who also hosts the “Going Ringside With The Local Station” Podcast. Scott has been a journalist for 25 years, covering stories including six presidential elections, multiple space shuttle launches and dozens of high-profile murder trials.

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