
Season jobs on the rise for holidays

Seasonal part-time jobs may turn into full-time jobs

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. – We are officially in the holiday season with Thanksgiving less than a week away! And with the holidays, comes the busiest shopping rush of the year.

From popular mega toy store, Toys R Us, to the online photo website Shutterfly, hundreds of thousands of people will be hired this holiday season.

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In fact, the hiring rate for seasonal jobs is better than last year, something one local financial planner said is good news for both the national economy and our local economy.

"A busy time for our economy, you have a lot of retailers as well as those who provide goods and services stocking up top sell these products also," said local financial planner, Titus Pittman.

Pittman is talking about the always busy holiday shopping season. This year, several national retailers are hiring seasonal employees. Something Pittman said job-seekers should take advantage of.

"For those seeking jobs, here's an opportunity for them on a part-time basis get employment that could later turn into full-time job. So overall nationally and locally its a great time for our overall economy," said Pittman.

Some retailers that are hiring part time seasonal positions include:

  • Target
  • Walmart
  • Toys R Us
  • Shutterfly
  • JC Penny, and several others.

Pittman said some employers look to turn part-time jobs into full-time. That's why he's reminding job seekers of this and says to approach a seasonal job as a full-time job opportunity.

"That means showing up on time, staying extra, and doing some extra work keeping a breast of those managers giving you assignments; letting them know you're willing to not only do the job they assigned you, but there's other skill sets you may have available that could be a benefit to that company. Those are all positive signs for a company," said Pittman.

Toys R Us said they have two Jacksonville area stores that will hire around 150 employees. In Florida, they will hire more than 2,100 and nationwide, they will hire 45,000 seasonal employees.

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