Jacksonville students raise $8K to help Bahamas after Hurricane Dorian

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JACKSONVILLE, Fla – Students at a Jacksonville charter school are helping parts of the Bahamas that were devastated by Hurricane Dorian.

To raise money, students at River City Science Academy came up with an idea to raise funds, allowing other students who would typically wear uniforms the option to "dress down" in clothes that fit their style for $5. Students could choose to donate any additional amount they wished.

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The fundraiser was a big hit on all four campuses. Altogether, the school raised $7,941.24.

The school identified Team Rubicon to be the recipient of the funds, an international nonprofit founded by veterans.

As an added bonus, Team Rubicon donations were matched by PepsiCo, allowing River City Science Academy to make an even larger impact. The original donation will be doubled to become $15,882.48.