Fake movie ticket scam still fooling social media followers

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MIAMI – Once again, consumers need to be reminded that if something appears too good to be true, it probably is.

A scam promising Facebook followers 5 free tickets to see any movie at AMC Theaters is still being shared across the social media platform.

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But when you click on the link, all you'll get is tangled up in a phishing site.

AMC Theaters warned followers about the scam in a post of their own in September.

"There is an offer circulating on Facebook for free AMC movie tickets," the post starts off. "This is a scam set up by a phishing site & is not affiliated with AMC in any way, so do not click the link!"

The company went on to say that its legal team was looking to have the posts removed.

However, a quick search of Facebook in mid-November shows the scam can still be found making its way in user feeds.