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Start your child on the road to knowledge for $5 with this #1 rated learning app

Homer is an online app that delivers content in reading, math, social and emotional learning, thinking skills, and creativity, all personalized to your child’s age and interests. (StackCommerce)

As soon as your baby enters the world, they start to learn. It’s pretty miraculous how much their brains absorb in a fairly short amount of time. As parents, it’s our responsibility to nurture their growth. With the help of programs like Homer, your children can develop some of the skills they need through lessons and activities they love.

It’s also become apparent that our kids are being introduced to devices earlier and earlier in this technological age. And while such pastimes as TV watching and other screen-time activities are best left until they’re toddlers, by the time your youngsters reach the ripe old age of two, it may be time to introduce them to the world of tablets. Of course, you don’t necessarily want to hand over your expensive iPad to your little jamfaces, who are bound to touch your screen with sticky fingers and accidentally delete your files. But you can spend quality time together, guiding them on a learning journey that will be both fun and educational.

According to the Georgia Early Education Alliance for Ready Students (GEEARS), teaching your children from an early age can raise their IQ. Studies have shown that at age 3, children from the most vocabulary-rich families scored approximately 25 points higher on IQ tests. Together with many other social and educational benefits, early learning can be a bonding experience that both you, as parents and teacher, and they, as children and students, will enjoy.

Homer is an online app that delivers content in reading, math, social and emotional learning, thinking skills, and creativity, all personalized to your child’s age and interests, including space, sports, princesses, animals, and more. Fueled by activities your tykes actually want to play, and filled with lots of “I did it!” moments that’ll boost their confidence and encourage them to keep going, Homer prepares kids to take their skills into the real world by allowing them to demonstrate their knowledge in a new or different context, preparing them for higher learning.

Certified by the kidSAFE Seal Program, Homer was featured in The New York Times, MSNBC, and Fast Company. With courses for kids from 2 to 8, this learning app can significantly improve children’s school readiness skills. For only $5.00, you can receive a 3-month subscription to experience all that Homer offers.

Prices subject to change.