
Report recommends changes after school district overspends by $21M

Duval County needs to vet travel, equipment requests, update average salaries

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. – After overspending its budget by $21 million last year, Duval County Public Schools needs to make some changes to prevent another shortfall, according to a recent audit.

The district released the results of the audit, which outlined 17 budget issues and suggested changes to the district’s practices to prevent the board from having to dip into its budget reserves again. The report also gave a timeline for when each change should be in place.

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Two of the issues the audit pointed to involved the district paying for equipment and travel that wasn't considered “essential.” For both issues, the report suggested changing the approval process before employees can get either equipment purchases or travel expenses covered by district dollars.

The district also hasn't updated its information on average teacher salaries and has been basing the budget on outdated information, the audit found.

The report also proposes checking in on major expenses at least monthly to prevent any future overspending.

To view the full report with all 17 issues and the suggested changes, click here.

About the Authors

A Jacksonville native and proud University of North Florida alum, Francine Frazier has been with News4Jax since 2014 after spending nine years at The Florida Times-Union.

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