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Is Jack White teasing new music on social media?

Let’s hope so!

In a year that’s already had a ton of new music, the fact that Jack White might be teasing new music on his Instagram account is just the cherry on top.

Detroit’s favorite rock star hasn’t come out with a new album since 2022 (he released two albums that year), so it’s not like fans were expecting anything new from him anytime soon.

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However, on Tuesday morning, White shared a post on Instagram that featured music playing with a blue fuzzy background. If you’re a fan of Jack White, you’ll know that blue has been a very popular color in his solo career. From album colors to his hair, that electric blue has become synonymous with the singer, just like white and red were for his former band, The White Stripes.

One of the top comments on the Instgram post is someone saying that this music sounds more like The White Stripes than his normal solo work, and after just hearing a few seconds of this tease, I sort of agree.

Now, that doesn’t mean that The White Stripes are getting back together. Meg White, the band’s iconic drummer, has made it pretty clear she has no intentions of ever playing again. Jack White is most likely making a new record that perhaps sounds more like a White Stripes album to fans, but hey, I can’t knock those for wishing a reunion would happen. Seeing The White Stripes live has been on my concert bucket list for far too long, even if I’ve seen Jack White live a handful of times now.

Also, could this be something with Beyoncé? We already know the two of them are great friends, and many have speculated that White will collaborate with her on “act II.” Are we getting a little treat form the both of them? Only time will tell.

We’ll keep you posted on any new information regarding an upcoming Jack White album. If he does have a new album coming out later this year, next year’s Grammy awards will officially become a bloodbath for Album of the Year!

About the Author
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Jack is a Digital Content Editor with a degree in creative writing and French from Western Michigan University. He specializes in writing about movies, food and the latest TV shows.