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A quarantine quiz: How much have you been embracing this strange time in our lives?

So. Many. Zoom calls.

A dog in bed (Pexels/stock image)

If you’ve been following the stay-at-home orders -- which, early on, were just strongly worded recommendations, for some -- then we have to assume you’re like the rest of us: a little bored at times, a little cooped up, and definitely ready to resume “normal life." Once it’s safe, of course.

But as the coronavirus pandemic continues sweeping the globe, we can’t be the only ones who have found ourselves doing a few out-of-the-ordinary routines and practices. Baking, for example. Baking a LOT. Or conducting virtual happy hours or pulling out that Amazon Kindle from four Christmases ago.

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We’ll look back on this time someday and it’ll be a strange, beautiful thing we shared: all this “alone, together” business. So with that said, check all the boxes that correspond with activities you’ve done recently.

How did you score? Did you check more boxes than you imagined, or perhaps not as many as you thought you would? Let us know in the comments. 👇