Jacksonville Zoo and Gardens welcomes critically endangered gorilla infant

New addition is fifth gorilla born at the Zoo

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Credit: John Reed & Jacksonville Zoo and Gardens

Credit: John Reed & Jacksonville Zoo and Gardens

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. – We can’t handle the overall cuteness of all these photos!

Jacksonville Zoo and Gardens welcomed a male western lowland gorilla Friday morning. This is the fifth gorilla born at the Zoo, and the first since 2018.

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The male was born to mother Madini and father Lash, according to Jacksonville Zoo and Gardens. This is the third viable offspring for 44-year-old Lash and the second for 24-year-old Madini.

This infant is now the ninth member of the largest gorilla group in the Zoo’s history, a release from Jacksonville Zoo and Gardens said.

“We have many reasons to celebrate this new infants,” said Tracy Fenn, Assistant Curator of Mammals. “He will further enrich the social environment and experience of his amazing group and strengthen the sustainability of the Gorilla SSP. Although raising Gandai was an incredibly rewarding experience, the gorilla care staff is elated to see this infant thriving in the care of his own mother.”

Jacksonville Zoo and Gardens will be raising awareness of species like the western lowland gorilla at Party for the Planet on Saturday, April 24.

For more information, visit jacksonvillezoo.org.

(Photo Credit: John Reed, Lynde Nunn & Jacksonville Zoo and Gardens)