The Jacksonville Sheriff's Office believes 21-month-old Lonzie Barton was in a car that was stolen from the Ravenwood Apartments on Old Kings Road sometime before 2:20 a.m. July 24, when the car's owner called police. STORYAt 4:45 a.m. JSO Public Information Officer Melissa Bujeda first briefs the media,identifying the missing boy as 2-year-old Aaron Ebron.Lonzie Barton was believed to be in this orange 1995 Honda Civic that police found15-20 minutes later on Cesperdes Avenue, about four blocks away.Lonzie is not not in the car.5:10 a.m. police tweet a new photo, a better picture, still calling him Aaron Ebron. Eight minutes later, the JSO sends another tweet to correct the name: Lonzie Barton.JSO says at 6:17 a.m. that an Amber Alert is being issued for Lonzie. At 7:15 a.m., the Florida Department of Law Enforcement sends Amber Alert notifications to its media list and subscribers.While dozens of officers search the apartment complex and look for any witnesses, police on foot also search all the houses in the neighborhood where the car was found and call K-9 teams and a police helicopter to assist in the search. STORYIn the early afternoon, police activity at the Powers Avenue Laundromat seen earlier in the day increases,as crime-scene tape goes up and evidence technicians arrive. News4Jax Vic Micolucci saysit appears officers are focused on a dumpster behind the business.William Ruben Ebron, the boyfriend watching Lonzie when he disappeared, is arrested late July 24 on two counts of child neglect.During interrogation by homicide detectives, Ebron stuck to his story that Lonzie was in the back of his Honda Civic that was stolen. "You're gonna have to tell where that body's at." detectives told him, "That body has got to be found regardless."At 8:30 a.m. July 25, as dozens of police resume searching Brierwood neighborhoods for any sign of Lonzie, JSO Chief of Investigations Tom Hackney says Ebron admitted using cocaine before reporting the boy missing and police no longer believe his story. But they still don't know what happened to the toddler and will continue treating his disappearance as an abduction. STORYSpontaneous memorial to Lonzie pop up in the neighborhood. This sign and some flowers were placedat Baker Skinner Park on Powers Avenue, where police have set up their command post.At 10:45 a.m. police say the search for Lonzie Barton is widening. After receiving a tip,divers search a lake along Shops Lane, near the Walmart across from the Avenues Mall.At 2:30 p.m. July 25, William Ruben Ebron makes a first appearance on the child neglect charges. A judge sets bond at $100,000 and sets out several restrictions he would face if he does get out of jail. STORYSaturday evening, the Justice Coalition and others organized a prayer vigil for Lonzie at Baker Skinner Parkon Powers Avenue, not far from the apartment complex where the toddler was last seen.On July 26, most of the efforts of 150 law enforcement officers from local, state and federal agencies focus on retention ponds and woods near the intersection of Philips Highway and Interstate 295, near where William Ruben Ebron used to live. Police for the first time talk in terms of recovering a body rather than a rescue effort. STORYLonzie's biological father, Chris Barton, posted a Facebook message usinga different picture of the boy than the public has seen with this message: "... bring our baby boy home. We want this smiling face right next to ours! We love you baby man!"The search for Lonzie continues July 27 as police move their command center from Wolfson High School on Powers Avenue to Kings Trail Elementary School on Old Kings Road South. Jacksonville Sheriff's Office Chief of Investigations Tom Hackney does not deny the case is becoming a homicide investigation. STORYHuman remains from an adult are found July 27 in the woods across from the Avenues Mall by investigators searching for Lonzie. The remains are later identified as those of 39-year-old Kevin Williams, a Navy chief missing since 2013. STORYIn the six days since the search for Lonzie began, hundreds of law enforcement officers from 18 agencies combine their efforts to find the missing toddler. STORYPolice divers searching for Lonzie in a pond off Bowden Road near Interstate 95 discover a submerged car with human remains inside. The remains are later identified as those of Aviation Machinist's Mate 3rd Class Yaroslav Iventyev, who went missing in 2003. STORYThe Jacksonville Sheriff's Office takes its search into the Northside on July 29 with a new command post located at New Berlin Elementary. STORYPolice expand their appeal July 29 for help in tracking the movements of Ruben Ebron's orange 1995 Honda Civic with a black hood between 7 p.m. July 23 and 2 a.m. July 24. IMAGESHundreds of law enforcement officers from a dozen sheriff's offices and police departments and other first responders set out July 30 to search a massive area on the Northside north of the Trout River and east of Interstate 95. The Florida Highway Patrol contributes horses to the search effort. STORYThe 270 law enforcement and search personnel involved in the effort to find Lonzie wrap up the search of Jacksonville's Northside on July 31. STORYThe size and scope of the search for Lonzie is scaled back Aug. 1 to 72 officers, who revisit areas over the weekend in and around the Southside area where the toddler went missing. STORYJacksonville Sheriff Mike Williams, who had been on a pre-planned vacation throughout the Lonzie search, speaks for the first time to reporters Aug. 2 and expresses confidence in the work that has been done to find the toddler. STORYOn Aug. 3, the Jacksonville Sheriff's Office releases video of Ruben Ebron's Honda Civic being parked where police found it blocks from his apartment and a man they claim is Ebron running from the scene minutes before he calls 911 to report that his car was stolen with Lonzie Barton inside. STORYAlso on Aug. 3, JSO Chief of Investigations Tom Hackney announces that police are working with the Florida Department of Law Enforcement to cancel the Amber Alert for Lonzie, saying they are now concentrating on building a murder case against Ruben Ebron.After 10 days with no developments in the case, a person claiming to be Lonzie's "mommy," Lonna Barton, posts a message Aug. 13 to the Facebook page of Chris Barton, Lonzie's father's. Part of the post reads: "your mommy loves you more than I love myself and I will never give up on you." STORYAfter receiving a tip from volunteer searchers about what appears to be a possible shallow grave, Baker County and Jacksonville investigators search property behind the home of Lonzie Barton's grandmother in Baker County on Aug. 14, but find nothing related to the case. STORYAn additional charge of giving false information to police is lodged against Ruben Ebron on Aug. 14. A few days later at his arraignment Aug. 17, Ebron pleads not guilty to that charge and the two child neglect charges against him. STORYMore than three weeks after Lonzie's disappearance, his father, Chris Barton, speaks to News4Jax on Aug. 17 about the search. He asks not to show his face during the interview, because he wants the public's attention focused on his son. STORYLonna Barton, Lonzie's mother, is arrested Aug. 18 after police say she gave false information to them in the search for the toddler. She is also charged with child neglect because police say she knew Ruben Ebron sold and kept drugs in the home where Lonzie lived. STORYA former co-worker of Lonna Barton's speaks for first time Aug. 19, the day after Barton is arrested. Kristina Rivera says she gave Barton a ride home the night Lonzie disappeared and she "had a bad feeling" the moment Barton got in the car. STORYNews4Jax obtains an audio recording Aug. 19 believed to be of Lonna Barton in which she admits to using drugs and questions whether or not her boyfriend, Ruben Ebron, killed her son and where her son's body might be. STORYA custody hearing is held Aug. 20 for Lonna Barton's 5-year-old daughter, while Barton remains in jail on charges of child neglect and lying to police. The judge determined the child should remain in the custody of her grandmother. STORYOne month after her son's disappearance, Lonna Barton posts $50,000 bond and is released from the Duval County Jail on Aug. 24.The night after the second custody hearing for Lonzie's 5-year-old sister, Lonna Barton and her ex-husband, Chris Barton, were caught on camera buying drugs, according to the Baker County Sheriff's Office.In late August, Ebrong was accused of attempted escape from jail, including charges of unlawful possession of concealed handcuff key, introduce or smuggle contraband into detention facility and criminal conspiracy.Lonna Barton enters Ruben Ebron hearing to testify that he dealt drugs every day of their relationship, including in front of her children.Jan. 11, 2016: Ruben Ebron leads police to the remains of a child in a trash pile on property in Bayard, off Philips Highway near State Road 9B.Jan. 23: Dozens of candles were lit at a vigil in Baker County to remember the child who they said has touched so many hearts over the last six months.Feb. 5: Ruben Ebron pleads guilty to aggravated manslaugher and was sentenced to serve 20 years in prison, along with concurrent sentences for child neglect, lying to police and tampering with evidence.March 4: Lonna Barton, Lonzie's mother, who pleaded guilty in January to charges of child neglect and giving false information to a law enforcement officer, is sentenced to five years in prison.As details unfold in the Lonzie Barton death investigation, it's clear the boy's mother and her boyfriend were spinning tales of deceit from the moment the boy was reported missing.Hear Jacksonville Sheriff's Office Director of Investigaitons Tom Hackney talk about the search for Lonzie Barton, pursuit of justice for his death and how the toddler police and the community never met touched their lives.
The Jacksonville Sheriff's Office believes 21-month-old Lonzie Barton was in a car that was stolen from the Ravenwood Apartments on Old Kings Road sometime before 2:20 a.m. July 24, when the car's owner called police. STORY