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Can coronavirus spread in pool water?

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. – With rising temperatures and summer coming, many people’s thoughts are turning to swimming pools. But with social distancing, face masks and other efforts to minimize the spread of the coronavirus new normal, would it be safe to go in the water?

News4Jax put information circulating on social media saying you could catch coronavirus from pool water or in a hot tub through our Trust Index testing to get you a reliable answer.

Examining information on the subject from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and from experts with the International Health Racquet and Sportsclub Association is appears it’s safe to go in the water -- if proper sanitation is performed.

“There is no evidence that the virus that causes COVID-19 can be spread to people through the water in pools, hot tubs, spas, or water play areas," according to the CDC. “Proper operation and maintenance (including disinfection with chlorine and bromine) of these facilities should inactivate the virus in the water”

But the CDC adds that while the water shouldn’t spread the virus, there is still a possibility of the spread if someone with coronavirus coughs or sneezes near you – no different than on dry land.

The thought is echoed by the IHRSA, which writes on its website: “A well-run, clean swimming pool with appropriately treated water using chlorine at internationally accepted levels should provide adequate disinfection…”

After consulting the experts, we’ve found the statement that coronavirus can spread in poll water not true.

Not True

After review, we've found this information is Not True.

While we were checking out COVID-19 claims, we looked into a statement from scientists at Cardiff University in Wales: “Gargling with mouthwash could inactivate the coronavirus in the throat, helping to prevent it from spreading via coughs and sneezes.”

No true, according to the World Health Organization.

“There is no evidence that using mouthwash will protect you from infection with the new coronavirus,” WHO posted on its website.

Johnson & Johnson, which makes Listerine, also addressed the rumor that mouthwash can kill the virus. The company addressed questions about whether the mouthwash is effective against COVID-19 on its website.

While Listerine “… has been proven to kill 99.9 percent of germs that cause bad breath, plaque and gingivitis. LISTERINE has not been tested against the Coronavirus and is not intended to prevent or treat COVID-19," the company wrote.

Some scientists have called for urgent research to be conducted into the importance of the throat and saliva glands in the replication of COVID-19. They argue that mouthwash may damage the coronavirus membrame and reduce infection rates.

With that said, we give the claims that mouthwash can help fight coronaviurs a Be Careful rating.

Be Careful

After reviewing this topic, we've found some issues - Be Careful.

The World Health Organization has come across so many rumors about ways to battle COVID-19, and it has put together a mythbusters page. It’s another good source of information to battle misinformation about a disease that is causing enough suffering without anyone’s help.

About the Authors
Tarik Minor headshot

Tarik anchors the 4, 5:30 and 6:30 p.m. weekday newscasts and reports with the I-TEAM.
