What really makes children feel loved?

Research shows feeling loved has a positive effect on a child’s development and mental health. If you had to guess -- what makes children feel loved?

While some parents might think it’s what you do or buy for them, a new survey conducted by author Gary Chapman, who wrote “The 5 Love Languages,” found it boils down to one thing.

Ninety-five percent of the children said playing with them made them feel loved.

When it comes to teens, a study published in the journal Emotion found they reported feeling more loved on days when their parents showed more warmth, praise, and affection -- even if they were in a conflict. In other words, being warm and protected against the consequences of conflict.

To help children feel loved, schedule time for play. Playing games and being silly together can help you bond.

Also, make a point to really listen to your children. Put down your electronics and give them your full attention when they talk to you.

And hug them more. Hugging triggers the release of oxytocin, a hormone that’s linked to love, safety and trust.

Creating a special routine or ritual can also make your child feel loved. It can be simple, like making pancakes every Saturday morning.

Research out of Canada shows adolescents who feel like they matter are more likely to experience happiness, academic achievement and life satisfaction.