The father effect: Science behind dads impact on children

ORLANDO, Fla – June 16th is Father’s Day, a day to celebrate 50 percent of why you are here. But a paternal bond can mean so much more. Children who are close to their fathers are twice as likely to go to college or find a stable job after high school, 80 percent less likely to spend time in jail and half as likely to experience multiple depression symptoms.

Whatever the relationship is, a father’s impact is deeper than we realize science proves it.

The father effect is about the same for boys and girls. Research shows girls take fewer sexual risks if they have a good relationship with their fathers.

Dads also tend to bond with their children through play. As long as dads put the phone down and get involved, studies show that when dads are engaged, children have fewer behavioral issues later. Dads also tend to encourage ‘rough and tumble’ play which actually teaches children about boundaries and how far they can go.

An analysis showed that both quantity and quality of father involvement during early childhood influences the child’s social and cognitive development.

And it works the other way around as well! Studies show that fathers tend to be happier and experience more positive emotions when they spend time with their children compared to other activities. They also reported higher levels of happiness and well-being than men without children.

Scientific proof, a father’s love can mean a world of difference to his children.

Another way a child impacts a dad, is that they tend to have higher happiness than moms when interacting with their children.