
FDA warns people to stop chugging 'Miracle' drinks -- they're bleach

This concoction seems more likely to cause health problems than cure them

We don’t know who needs to hear this, but now’s a great time to put down that glass of bleach and reach for a beverage that won’t wreck your bowels.

Apparently, that’s something that must be said – and not, you know, common knowledge – because the Food and Drug Administration has issued a warning telling people to quit using it as a home remedy. The FDA has spoken out for years about Miracle Mineral Solution (MMS) and similar products, which are billed as a way to treat autism, cancer, HIV, hepatitis, and the flu.

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If true, that would indeed be miraculous. The problem is, these products haven't been proven to do any of that. In fact, the FDA said these solutions are "dangerous" and drinking them can have "serious and potentially life-threatening side effects."

Whatever name they go by, these products contain sodium chlorite and distilled water. And when mixed with an "activator" or lemon juice as the instructions suggest, it becomes chlorine dioxide or bleach. So unless you've got a death wish, it's best to avoid drinking it.

"The FDA’s drug approval process ensures that patients receive safe and effective drug products," said FDA Acting Commissioner Ned Sharpless. "Miracle Mineral Solution and similar products are not FDA-approved, and ingesting these products is the same as drinking bleach. Consumers should not use these products, and parents should not give these products to their children for any reason."

If you’re among the 20 million people the product’s website estimates have tried the solution, you might be wondering what’s the worst that could happen? For starters, how does uncontrollable vomiting and a crippling case of explosive diarrhea sound? What about liver failure?

The FDA recommends that those who have had health problems after drinking this solution seek immediate medical care. They’re also asked to report any side effects linked to MMS to the FDA’s MedWatch Safety Information program at 1-800-FDA-1088.

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