JACKSONVILLE, Fla. – The website’s called SaleQualityStore, but what they’re selling is anything but quality.
It’s fake.
“The websites exist, but the companies don’t," said Better Business Bureau President Tom Stephens.
Technically, the phone number and address aren’t totally fake. On SaleQualityStore.com, the site lists the company’s contact info as 82 Marine St., St. Augustine, Florida.
The address is not a retail store, but The Department of Military Affairs.
The phone number attached to the website is the legal department within the building.
The Department of Military Affairs released this statement:
“A retail website, 'SaleQualityStore,’ improperly lists the address and phone number of an office within the Florida National Guard as their customer service point of contact information. People who ordered items from this website should contact their local law enforcement agencies and the fraud department of their credit card companies to file reports. The Florida National Guard is assisting the Better Business Bureau and law enforcement agencies in this matter.”
Stephens said doing your research can help customers avoid a scam like this.
“If you’re going to do business online, find out about them before you send them the money, and if you’ve never done business with them before but stumble onto them from a social media ad, or a popup ad from Instagram, do your homework,” Stephens said.
Stephens recommends Googling the website and looking for any negative reviews and to check the contact info for the website to make sure it doesn’t lead back to a different location.