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Empower Work: Text lifeline for employees

Employees are not happy at work. A Gallup poll found that 50% of workers are stressed daily, while 41% are often worried. And many aren’t comfortable talking to HR about it.

That’s why one entrepreneur decided to remedy part of the problem by creating a safe space for workers via a text line.

Like many of us, Jaime Alexis Fowler would text to stay in touch with family and friends. Then she figured out how it could also be a catalyst for her nonprofit to help thousands of disenfranchised workers.

“Empower Work is a confidential free text line for workers facing really challenging work situations across the U.S.,” said Jaime Alexis Fowler, founder and executive director of Empower Work.

Sixty-three percent of workers feel that their employer has ignored their voice. That is coupled with complaints of discrimination, harassment, and fear of being fired. Many who can, don’t feel comfortable reporting these issues to HR.

“I think a big thing is that a lot of people don’t trust their HR,” said Laura Combs, an Empower Work volunteer.

After a run-in with her boss, Combs feared what came next, looking for options, she texted Empower Work.

“I remember feeling very supported and, like, I actually had a plan of what to do next,” explained Combs.

The experience was so meaningful for Combs that she decided to enlist as one of the 150 volunteers who offer confidential advice to workers who text in.

“Having a tool like Empower Work where they have the opportunity to be heard is like second to none,” said Combs.

And the results prove that Empower Work is “working.”

“Ninety three percent report improved mental health, eighty percent report improved financial security,” said Fowler.

To get help from trained peer counselors for free, you can text HELLO to 510-674-1414.

Fowler further explained that she has chosen to create a text line over the phone or email due to the convenience. No app is needed.

The cost is free, and employees don’t have to worry about anyone reading their email or overhearing a phone call.