Mom Waits For Justice In Son's 2000 Death

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. – Vanissia Wilson's 23-year-old son disappeared eight years ago this month. The following summer, a convicted drug dealer led police to the remains of Keith Cauley in the woods of Putnam County.

Wilson is clearly frustrated that no one has ever been charged with killing Cauley and is asking police to put new energy into solving her son's slaying.

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"We spent a lot of time looking for him. We had a rough time. We still do," Wilson said.

Cauley disappeared on June 16, 2000. His pickup truck was located a few days later at an apartment on 103rd Street.

From the beginning, police suspected foul play.

In August 2001, George Durrance led investigators to his body and police said he cooperated in another homicide investigation. But neither he nor anyone else was ever charged with Cauley's death.

Last week, Durrance was convicted of a 1999 murder in West Palm Beach and is awaiting sentencing. He is facing almost certain sentence of life in prison.

Wilson said that years have passed and some of her pain has faded, her determination to see justice served has not.

"We want somebody to pay for what they did to him," Wilson said.

Jacksonville Sheriff's Office investigators told Channel 4's Ashley Townsend that they are investigating this case, but had no further information about it.

Anyone with information that could help Wilson find closure over her son's death is asked to call Crimestoppers at 866-845-TIPS.

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