
Couple, 68, corners burglary suspect

Police: Man broke into 2 adjacent homes

Joanne and Joe Farley talk about fighting off, chasing and cornering a burglary suspect.

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. – A 32-year-old man broke into an Arlington home, was shot by the homeowner, then ran to another home saying, "They're after me," according to Jacksonville police.

Police said Alejandro Carlson broke into the first home on North Arlington Road about 4:30 a.m. July 26, and the homeowner was awakened by his dog barking.

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The man immediately armed himself with a shotgun loaded with birdshot and went to the kitchen, where he found his dog barking at something in the Florida Room, police said. Officers said Carlson had pried the door to the room open with a knife, which was later recovered by police.

Jacksonville Sheriff's Office booking photo of Alejandro Carlson

The homeowner told police he saw Carlson running toward the door where the dog was barking, and he fired a single shot at Carlson, who then left the home, police said.

Investigators said Carlson ran to an adjacent home, where he forced his way through a set of French doors and into the master bedroom where an older couple was sleeping.

Joanne Farley, 68, woke up to Carlson running through the bedroom yelling, "They're after me," and she got out of bed and followed him, police said.

"This door comes busting in, and a guy's running, and Joanne jumps up and she's after him," her husband, Joe Farley, said. "I'm like, 'Joanne, get back here. Don't do that.' She ain't listening to me and he's not listening to her."

Police said Joanne found Carlson in the bathroom, and he pushed the door back at her, then grabbed her arms after she grabbed onto his bloodied shirt.

"He went in here and he closed the door and actually hid in the shower, and when he came in he was yelling, 'Call the police, call the police. They're after me. They're going to kill me," said Joe, who's also 68.

Joe went into the bathroom and tried to detain Carlson, but Carlson pushed him out of the way, police said.

"We got right about there and he said, 'I need to hide. I need to hide. They're coming because that clock went off.' And I said, 'OK, I'll hide you. Sit right there. Sit right there. Don't move.' Well he did," Joanne said. "He was so high that I think when he got shot, he just really thought someone was after him and going to kill him."

Carlson ran through several rooms, and Joanne cornered him in the laundry room and called 911, police said. Officers said Carlson also pulled out a cellphone and called 911, then handed the phone to Joanne for her to speak with the dispatcher.

Police said Joe went to the bedroom and got a handgun, then went to the laundry room, where he held Carlson at gunpoint until police arrived.

"He was soaking, sopping wet from his head to his waist, and I felt sorry for him, I guess, and I asked him if he wanted a glass of water, and he said, 'Yes, ma'am, please,'" Joanne said.

Carlson was arrested and charged with armed burglary to a dwelling. He was taken to a hospital and treated for minor injuries from the birdshot.

Still bruised from Carlson's fight back, the Farleys are thankful they're here to share the story with some laughter.

"When I think about what I did, I can't believe I did that," Joanne said. "I mean, it was just, you react, you don't think about what you're doing. You know the old story, kill me but you can't eat me."

Carlson was being held in the Duval County jail with bail set at $50,000.

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