
'Don Redman Must Go' Facebook group aims to oust Jacksonville City Councilman

1,200 followers angry over Don Redman's controversial remarks, legislation

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. – City Councilman Don Redman is now the target of an online campaign to get him out of his District 4 seat.

The Facebook page called "Don Redman Must Go" already has almost 1,200 members.

Redman has been at the center of numerous controversies during his career, most recently he faced major opposition over his proposed ban on concerts in Metropolitan Park.

Vlad Kulishvsky created the Facebook group over the Metro Park legislation, but the page grew after Kulishvsky discovered even more controversy surrounding the Councilman. 

A few years ago during a council meeting, Redman asked a Muslim appointee to the city's Human Rights Commission to pray to his god.

Redman was also an outspoken critic of the controversial human rights ordinance aimed at protecting the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community in hiring and housing. At a meeting on the ordinance, he asked a lesbian woman wearing a suit if she was a man or a woman.

Kulishvsky doesn't believe Redman's views are progressive enough to move Jacksonville forward.

"I did some background on Mr. Redman and found the L.G.B.T discrimination bill that was blocked.  It was kind of a black eye I felt.  So those two very regressive ideas are being presented by a city councilman.

Redman defends his words.

"I do not hate these groups. I do not hate anybody. As a Christian, God expects me to love everybody. I may not like what they do, or what they believe. The homosexual community- I love the homosexuals, I don't like their activity, I don't condone it. So, I'm not going to do something to support it," argued Redman.

Redman has no plans to step down, and believes he and some people will have a fundamental difference of opinion.

"I have my values which makes some people mad, and my faith which makes some people angry.  There's not much I can do about that if it angers them to the point where they do what they want to do," admitted Redman.

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