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Ron Sanchez

Candidate for St. Johns County Commissioner Distirct 2

Age: 71

Family: Wife, Kathy; one step-daughter; 1 grandson

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Occupation: Full time county commissioner

Education: High school, 30 hours of courses

Political Experience: St. Aug. Bch: 8½ years code enforcement. 3 years city commissioner. St. Johns County commissioner 8 years

What do you see as the top three issues in this race?

  • Keeping our county financially stable
  • Increasing our commercial tax base
  • Maintaining our quality of life

  • Why should people vote for you?

    I am positive about our county and moving ahead. Experience. Respect for the people of our county.

    What do you hope to be remembered for after you leave office?

    Having done a good job.

    Campaign Website: