Back-to-school breakfast ideas

Tips on making breakfast healthy, nutritious

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. – We are all familiar with the saying that breakfast is the most important meal of the day and a growing body of research supports this idea, especially when it comes to preparing the kids for a long, fulfilling day at school.

On "The Morning Show" Sunday, Alyssa Greenstein, a registered dietitian  shared some dairy-driven ideas with viewers.  Greenstein represents Florida Dairy Farmers.

She talked with Channel 4's Alicia Booth about how a healthy breakfast has a positive effect in the classroom.

"It's also important to keep in mind the quality of the foods that we're feeding our family," she said.

The key is prepping ahead and going back to basics.

One suggestion is to take whole grain oatmeal and let it sit in the refrigerator overnight with some milk and Greek yogurt and fruit.

Greenstein also recommended making a parfait with Greek yogurt and freshly-cut fruit.

Smoothies are another easy, nutritious way to get healthy food into little tummies.

She said you can always mix in greens with the fruit and dairy.

"Who says that we have to wait till dinner to have our vegetables?" she asked.

About the Author

Storytelling is at the heart of what Alicia loves most about television news and she is thrilled to be a part of the News4Jax team.

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