Grandfather, grandson reel in sniper rifles while magnet fishing in Florida

MIAMI (WFOR) – A south Florida grandfather and grandson decided to try a new take on fishing -- magnet fishing.

They dropped a five-pound magnet in a canal in Miami -- and ended up with a pretty interesting catch: Two rifles!

The duo reeled in two .50-caliber Barrett sniper rifles while magnet fishing.

“It’s so beginner’s luck!” Duane Smith, the grandfather of Allen Cadwalader, 11, said.

Allen says this find is part of his mission to do good.

“Capturing guns and saving the world, which means picking up garbage,” Cadwalader said.

Duane was able to clean up the guns which were covered in shrink wrap -- and the serial numbers had been ground off. He said each gun weighed about 20 pounds. He said his grandson reeled both of them in all by himself.

The rifles were not loaded, and Duane and Allen did not find any ammunition.

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