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FWC shares wildly helpful safety advice as bears become more active

A black bear in Florida (Florida Fish and Wildlife, Tim Donovan/FWC)

The bears are back in town... or they will be soon according to the FWC.

The agency says bear activity increases in the fall and that means more chances for you to have a bear encounter.

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While that might make a good story for your friends, it can be dangerous for both you and the bears. Here’s some advice from the FWC to be “BearWise”:

1: Never feed or approach bears

  • Feeding bears can make them lose their natural fear of people.
  • It is illegal in Florida to intentionally feed bears or leave out food or garbage that will attract bears and cause conflicts.
  • Getting close to a wild animal is dangerous.

2: Secure food and garbage

3: Remove or secure bird feeders

4: Never leave pet food outdoors

  • Feed pets indoors.
  • If feeding pets outdoors, only put food outside for short time periods and bring in leftover food and dishes after each feeding.

5: Clean and store grills

  • Clean and degrease grills and smokers after each use.
  • If mobile, store them in a secure shed or garage.

6: Alert neighbors to bear activity

  • If you see a bear, let your neighbors know.
  • Share tips on how to avoid conflicts with bears.
  • Encourage your homeowner’s association or local government to institute bylaws or ordinances to require trash be kept secure.

In Florida, bears might not need to hibernate as much as in colder climates, but they still bulk up for the winter. Adult bears eat approximately 20,000 calories a day during the fall (don’t you wish that was your diet!) Because they’re out looking for more food, you’re more likely to spot one.

Black bears see your trash can the way you see a drive thru window. It’s quick and easy.

“People can make a big difference in preventing conflicts with hungry bears by securing or removing potential food attractants such as garbage or bird seed,” said the FWC’s Bear Management Program Coordinator, Mike Orlando. “When bears can’t find a food source in your yard or neighborhood, they’ll move on.”

While black bears generally are not aggressive, they can injure people and pets. Momma bears can be especially defensive over their babies, and dogs can set them off.

You know Fido is going to try to protect you and he doesn’t know he won’t win that fight.

The FWC recommends keeping your dog on a tight leash during walks and if your house backs up to woods, make some noise before letting them out at night.

Yes, pump up the jam! Loud noises will scare bears away.

If you’re having conflicts with bears, call one of the FWC’s five regional offices. Go to, and click on “Contact Regional Offices” to find the phone number for your region. If you want to report someone who is either harming bears or intentionally feeding them, or to report injured, orphaned or dead bears, call the FWC’s Wildlife Alert Hotline at 888-404-FWCC (3922).

More information is available at, where you can access the “Guide to Living in Bear Country” brochure. Find additional ways to be BearWise at Help us help bears and other wildlife by purchasing the Conserve Wildlife tag