
Jacksonville police, firefighters show off tools at safety fair

People toured helicopters, safety vehicles at Avenues Mall parking lot

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. – It was a sea of red and blue flashing lights, helicopters and more in the Avenues Mall parking lot Saturday for a safety fair put on by the Jacksonville Sheriff's Office and the Jacksonville Fire-Rescue Department.

The event gave children and adults the chance to check out the resources our JSO and JFRD use in an effort to keep people safe across the city.

A big draw was a JSO helicopter. People also got a look inside an ambulance and a chance to meet the animals who work alongside officers and firefighters to keep Jacksonville safe.

Louie Smith brought his two sons to the safety fair so they will feel comfortable if they ever need help from JFRD or JSO.

"It's a good life lesson for the kids to understand. If they are ever separated from their parents to talk to them and find them and make sure they are aware (that) they are out there to help find their parents and to protect them," Smith said.

He also wanted his kids to also understand what role police and firefighters play in the community.

"I've always taught them that they need to understand and respect police and firefighters, and they can ask them questions," Smith said.

Although the chopper was exciting for many, as well as sitting inside the firetrucks, the police K-9s were the biggest hit.

Children got to pet the furry officers as they learned more about their job.

JSO and JFRD say they are passionate about being involved in the community and Saturday's safety fair is one way to help build that relationship.

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