JACKSONVILLE, Fla. – The Duval County School Board has approved changes to how students' grades will be calculated since students have been learning remotely for most of the last semester.
The biggest change will be for third graders, middle school and high school students.
Because third graders were not able to take the Florida Standards Assessment exams, how they are performing right now from home is very important.
“The promotion from third grade to fourth grade is really dependent on the teacher's judgment and the grades that the student earns,” said Corey Wright, an assistant superintendent with Duval County Public Schools.
Wright said parents can always appeal that decision.
Middle and high school students will not be able to bring up their grades by doing well on end of year exams because those are officially canceled.“Each quarter, each nine weeks, our students get a report card. All four of those grades will be averaged to make up the final grade and there will be no end of course assessment,” Wright explained during an interview on “The Morning Show.”
For seniors, since state assessments are canceled, the only graduating requirements are to pass all their required credits for their program of study and to earn at least a 2.0 grade point average.
IB and AICE exams have been canceled, but AP exams are still happening.
All report cards are available through the student’s FOCUS account.