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Raines High School teachers recognized in ‘Parade of Stars’

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. – Teacher Appreciation Week prompted a parade of teachers around the campus of Raines High School on Tuesday.

“Our teachers are our stars. We have, this morning, a video teachers received from our students thanking them,” said Vincent Hall, the principal of Raines high School.

Along with the video from the students, teachers got a backpack, a Raines High School face mask, a bar of soap, a bottle of water and some Lifesavers candy -- along with lunch from Tidbits.

“Just that fact that our admin and our staff came out to just kind of celebrate us at this time with the pandemic, with the online teaching, it just means a lot that they are out here supporting us,” said Leena Hall-Young, the Duval County teacher of the year. “The teachers are missing their students immensely.”

But the teachers are in contact with their students daily through Microsoft Teams.

We want to make certain that our teachers understand that they are Ichibian number one," Hall said.

Ichiban is the Raines Vikings motto since the school was first established. It was appropriate for Tuesday’s “Parade of Stars."