Despite overnight ‘firebomb,’ Mayor Curry rescinds state of emergency

What mayor described at city’s fleet yard was actually burning bag of grass

Mayor Lenny Curry holds a virtual news conference on Tuesday, May 5. (Zoom)

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. – Tuesday’s scheduled City Council meeting began with a special appearance from Jacksonville Mayor Lenny Curry, who announced he has rescinded the state of emergency he implemented Sunday that allowed him to institute an overnight curfew.

Condemning the “bad actors" who caused violence and vandalism after Saturday’s peaceful protest in Downtown Jacksonville, adding he would not hesitate to take the same action again if necessary.

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“I will use all the resources I have to protect the city," Curry said.

Curry said the was taking the action because he did not anticipate the need for an additional curfew despite sporadic acts of violence, including describing what he called a firebomb lobbed into the city’s Fleet Management yard on the Westside at 4 a.m. Tuesday.

News4Jax was told what was burning at the city facility was a smoking bag of dead grass tossed over the gate.

Curry also told the council that the state of emergency he issued in March over the coronavirus pandemic was allowed to expire at midnight Sunday, but we are still under state and federal emergency declarations and “the virus is still with us.”

Curry and Sheriff Mike Williams took questions from council members, mostly focused on addressing the racial disparities in the city that helped motivate 1,200 people to turn out for a Saturday’s “I can’t breathe” protest. Several members asked for the mayor, sheriff and council to walk hand-in-hand with the community to address the frustration and then help implement plans to heal the divide.