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Clay County deputies host ‘Talking for a Change’ discussion

The Clay County Sheriff's Office opened a discussion Thursday night, reaching out for help from citizens to brainstorm on how law enforcement can help Americans feel safer.

One woman who spoke during the meeting shared what she said happened when her daughter was pulled over.

"They detained her for over an hour to search her car," the woman said. "The only thing they said was she was suspicious."

Social distancing in small groups, people shared their ideas about how law enforcement and the community can work together. The event, called Talking for a Change, which was moderated by News4Jax anchor Kent Justice, was organized by the Sheriff’s Office.

"I see a lot of people marching, protesting. I see people taking knees," said Sheriff Darryl Daniels. "I see folks having open dialogue, but what I'm not seeing are solutions to the problem."

One after another, people asked questions and spoke at a podium. Things got tense when one man, who appeared to be wearing a hazmat suit, spoke out of turn and yelled comments to the panel. He was escorted out.

Some people, like Mandarin resident Victor Miller, crossed county lines to have their voices heard.

"With the police being here tonight, with the community coming out and talking to them, that's the first step," Miller said. "It's really just getting together and actually doing something about the problem and just showing a face to what the issues are."

"The Sheriff's department in both counties and all surrounding counties need to work together, be on the same page and have the same ideas and goals, and protect us as they've been doing," said Joy Elrod of Fleming Island.

Daniels told News4Jax he’s hoping to be able to present some of the recommendations for the community at the next National Sheriff’s Association conference.