
What does Martin Luther King Jr. Day mean to you?

Share your thoughts about Dr. King’s legacy

The Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., delivers his Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech in the auditorium of Oslo University in Norway on Dec. 10, 1964. King, the youngest person to receive the Nobel Peace prize, is recognized for his leadership in the American civil rights movement and for advocating non violence. (AP Photo) (AP1964)

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. – “I have a dream.” Those four words changed history more than 55 years ago. Those words gave millions hope for the future, hope for equal opportunity and so much more.

On Monday, the world will celebrate the life, legacy and service of Martin Luther King, Jr. It will be a day to remember the past events that unfolded during the Civil Rights movement. It is a reminder that Dr. King took a stand to end institutionalized racial discrimination, disenfranchisement and segregation in the United States.

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The day signifies many things for different people. People have stories passed on for generations, or can recall an inspirational moment in relation to Martin Luther King, Jr.

Let us know below what Martin Luther King Jr. Day means to you.

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