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Vaccinated woman speaks out after her family contracts COVID-19

She says despite ‘breakthrough’ case, she believes vaccine kept her family out of hospital

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. – For roughly two weeks, Beth Sullivan’s family has been battling COVID-19.

“My husband and I are still in bed. This has been going on for weeks and can’t seem to get over the hump. It’s just a constant battle of fatigue,” said Sullivan.

Sullivan is a regular on News4Jax, known for her Fashion4Ward Segments on The Morning Show.

Sullivan and her husband are both vaccinated but still contracted the virus. She is immunocompromised and said she suffered severe symptoms in the beginning.

“I had a lot of head congestion and just didn’t feel right but felt a little worse than I would normally feel and it progressed quickly from there,” said Sullivan.

Sullivan feels the vaccine kept her out of the hospital.

“I was told very, very strongly by my doctor, had I not been vaccinated, I would for sure be in the hospital, if not dead,” Sullivan said.

Her two sons, ages 10 and 11, also contracted the virus.

“Both my kids are under 12, so they’re not vaccinated.”

In the last month, the Florida Department of Health reported 6% of Florida cases are among people who are vaccinated, what are called “breakthrough” cases. Officials said the majority of cases and hospitalizations involve people who are not vaccinated.

Since her sons are not eligible for the vaccine, Sullivan has concerns about them going back to school.

“I really want Duval HomeRoom back as an option. I’m very adamant that we take this seriously and I think the school board needs to too,” Sullivan said.

Duval County Public Schools has recently stated it’s doing away with Duval HomeRoom this year. The district is still offering its full-time virtual school called Duval Virtual Instruction Academy.

Sulivan said recovery is slow, but she hopes to inspire others to get the vaccine.

About the Author
Corley Peel headshot

Corley Peel is a Texas native and Texas Tech graduate who covered big stories in Joplin, Missouri, Tulsa, Oklahoma and Jacksonville, Florida before returning to the Lone Star State. When not reporting, Corley enjoys hot yoga, Tech Football, and finding the best tacos in town.