Tools thrown at deputies during ‘wild’ chase of stolen F-250, Flagler County Sheriff’s Office says

Pursuit captured on dashcam video

Two people were arrested Monday after a chase of a stolen pickup truck, during which tools were hurled at deputies, according to the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office.

The pursuit — which Sheriff Rick Staley described it as “a wild and one of the most bizarre chases I have seen in my career” — was captured on dashboard camera video.

On Monday, the Sheriff’s Office said, deputies tried to stop a Ford F-250, which was reported stolen from Jacksonville, that was traveling on State Road 100, but the driver did not stop.

Deputies said they deployed Stop Sticks, which flattened three of the truck’s tires, but the truck continued onto State Road 11.

While on State Road 11, according to the Sheriff’s Office, the driver, identified by deputies as 44-year-old Shane Hendricks, began throwing tools at pursuing deputies before climbing through a window into the bed of the truck while the passenger, identified by deputies as 44-year-old Tammy Pecor, took over driving. Deputies said Hendricks continued to throw items from the truck bed, including a large blue toolbox, a stamping machine and a sledgehammer.

The truck eventually came to a stop, and Hendricks and Pecor were removed from the vehicle, according to the Sheriff’s Office.

Deputies said Hendricks was arrested on charges of violation of probation, fleeing and eluding law enforcement officers with lights and sirens on, throwing a deadly missile at vehicles, petit theft, reckless driving, possession of a firearm by a convicted felon, possession of drug paraphernalia, aggravated assault on a law enforcement officer, driving while license is suspended with knowledge, and assault on a law enforcement officer.

The Sheriff’s Office said Pecor was arrested on charges of fleeing and eluding law enforcement officers, throwing a deadly missile at vehicles, aggravated assault on a law enforcement officer, petit theft, grand theft of a motor vehicle, driving while license is suspending, and reckless driving.

Both have previous arrests, according to the Sheriff’s Office.