
Duval school board rates Superintendent Greene ‘highly effective’ in annual review

In third school year as Superintendent, Greene narrowly maintained highest overall rating category

UNCUT: Dr. Diana Greene news conference

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. – The board of education for Duval County Public Schools released its evaluation of Superintendent Dr. Diana Greene on Wednesday which shows the members believe she effectively advanced the district’s core beliefs and goals.

Each of the seven board members was asked to rank Greene’s efforts for each of the goals on a scale of one to four, with one point indicating that she was “unsatisfactory” and four points indicating that she was “highly effective.”

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The four “core beliefs” of the district are:

  • Intentional Focus on Student Achievement and Well-Being,
  • Develop & Retain High Performing Team Members,
  • Sustain Engagement of Parents, Caregivers, & Community, and
  • Ensure Effective, Equitable, & Efficient Use of Resources Aligned to Improve Student Outcomes

For each of the four core beliefs, Greene was scored on three specific strategies for how to further that goal.

Out of a possible 48 total points, Greene received an overall assessment of 37.79 narrowly keeping her in the point range considered “highly effective.”

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