
Stray bullet lands near play pen, family suspects celebratory NYE shooting

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. – A family on Jacksonville’s Northside is frustrated and horrified after bullets came flying into their house and nearly hit their one-year-old son.

One of the bullets went right through their son’s play pen, but he wasn’t there at the time.

Clinton Washington Jr. was terrified that a bullet could have hit his son.

“My one-year-old son, that is our joy. And as a parent, living in your home. You just don’t ever expect to have to worry about you know anything like that taking place,” Washington Jr. said.

Washington Jr. said he saw someone across from his home shooting guns on Friday night.

“I could have been hit by the bullet if it hadn’t been two more feet to the right,” he said. “She could have been hit when she was in the hallway, and if my son was in his playpen he most definitely could have been hit.”

Police were called and a forensic detective began marking where each bullet entered their home.

“We had to wait outside for about two and a half hours for them to do their part. The forensic detective was trying to determine how the bullet went not only through the Lanai door, but also how it traveled through my son’s playpen hit the refrigerator and it ended up in my little couch,” Washington Jr. said. “They determined that the bullet ended up splitting in half once it hit the door and the second half of the bullet is what traveled through my son’s play pin. "

Washington Jr. is grateful that no one was hurt but he hopes that someone is held accountable. He said his family wants to feel safe inside their home.

No arrests have been made at this time.

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