
DCPS drops mask requirement for visitors, employees. Tell us what you think.

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. – Duval County Public Schools on Friday said it was once again changing its COVID mitigation strategies due to a falling case count in the community.

“While students, staff, and visitors are strongly encouraged to wear a face mask, there is no longer any requirement for anyone to do so,” the district wrote on its website. “Previously, school visitors and employees working with students were required to wear a face covering.”

The district added that restrictions on capacity at arts and athletic venues have also been lifted. It said it will continue cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched surfaces, and ensure soap, sanitizer and masks are available throughout the day.

Mitigation strategies and guidance remaining in place include the following:

  • Students are strongly encouraged, but not required, to wear a facial covering.
  • Visitors are strongly encouraged, but not required, to wear masks at schools.
  • Employees and students should stay home from work/school if sick.
  • Employees are strongly encouraged to wear a facial covering when working directly with students, or when unable to social distance.
  • All individuals should practice social distancing when possible.

Parents, what do you think?

Some parents have already weighed in with their thoughts on the changes.

One, who asked not to be named, said: “I do not agree with this announcement. The mask requirement is what’s keeping the numbers down. There are still parents, teachers and students that are not vaccinated. There are parents who will allow Covid positive children to attend school which endangers the safety of others.”

But another, who also declined to be named, seemed less concerned about the updated policy.

“They have stopped the mandate of wearing masks on school buses so they are not to worried about Covid. Why keep the mandate about visitors and employees wearing masks? If you don’t feel safe without a mask, wear a mask, it’s not that big of a deal.”

Use the form below to share how you feel about the new mask policy:

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