Five candidates vying to be the next leader of the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office and News4JAX wants to help you determine who the best option is.
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At 8 p.m. on Wednesday, Aug. 10, News4JAX-Channel 4 will host a live one-hour debate in conjunction with the Jacksonville University Public Policy Institute.
RELATED: Candidates for Jacksonville sheriff to answer your questions in live debate on Channel 4 & News4JAX.com | News4JAX Voter’s Guide
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Below is a little bit about each candidate. A more thorough background of the candidates can be found by following this link.

Lakesha Burton
Party affiliation*: Democrat
Occupation: Retired Law Enforcement
Age: 47
Your family: Husband of 14 years, Greg - Blended family of 5 children (2 daughters/3 sons)
Education: Master’s Degree in Criminology / Bachelor’s Degree in Criminology
Political experience: N/A

Wayne Clark
Party affiliation*: Democrat
Occupation: Retired 40-year Jacksonville Law Enforcement Professional
Age: 60
Your family: Married 38 years, Karol, three children and four grandchildren
Education: Master’s in Public Administration - Central Michigan University, Graduate of the 231st session of the FBI National Academy, Quantico, Va.
Political experience: None

Tony Cummings
Party affiliation*: Democrat
Occupation: Retired Law Enforcement
Age: 51
Your family: Married, 2 daughters
Education: Doctoral Degree in Organizational Leadership
Political experience: Ran for Sheriff in 2015 and 2019

Ken Jefferson
Party affiliation*: Democrat
Occupation: Law Enforcement Officer (ret.), Crime & Safety Expert
Age: 64
Your family: Wife of 27 years, Rhonda; 5 adult children; 1 grandchild
Education: Master’s Degree, Honorary Doctorate, St. Thomas Christian University
Political experience: I’ve run for Sheriff twice. In 2011, I earned 37.69% of the votes. In 2015 I ran again, losing by 2% after earning 48.47% of votes.

T.K. Waters
Party affiliation*: Republican
Occupation: Chief of Investigations (Retired)
Age: 52
Your family: Married to Robin for 24 years, 3 kids and 4 grandkids
Education: Bachelor of Science from Liberty University, Interdisciplinary Studies with a Minor in Homeland Security
Political experience: None