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You need to bring an ID when you vote: Here’s what works

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. – The Florida Primary is Tuesday. Early voting wrapped up in Duval County on Sunday. Nearly 16% of people voted by mail or in person. That’s more than 100,000 people.

Supervisor of Elections Mike Hogan expects the turnout to double and reach 30% by the time polls close Tuesday.

🗳️ It’s election day. Heading to the polls to vote? Read this first. | Voted yet? 3 reasons not to skip Tuesday’s election

If you haven’t submitted a ballot for the primary, Tuesday is the last day to do it, but one thing to remember is you need to bring an ID with you.

FULL LIST: Acceptable IDs on Election Day

Hogan said a Florida driver’s license is best.

But a passport, military ID, or even a veteran health ID card will work. You just have to show proof of your signature and a photo.

But they don’t have to be on the same card. You can have proof of your signature on one card, and your photo on the other.

RELATED: Frequently asked questions & common mistakes on election day

After you vote Tuesday, snap a picture and share it with us on SnapJAX under the “Election Day” channel. Remember -- you can’t take pictures inside voting precincts, so don’t pull out your camera until you’re outside.

About the Author
Brianna Andrews headshot

This native of the Big Apple joined the News4Jax team in July 2021.