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Florida lawmakers address school zone speeders with new bill

Florida lawmakers will look at a plan to stop people from speeding through school zones with a new bill.

If this bill passes, speed detection cameras would go up and people who are caught speeding would have to pay $100.

Speed cameras would not be required at all schools, according to the proposed bill.

The bill states that local governments would be able to decide exactly where speed cameras need to go.

If the bill goes through and a camera was to go up, in addition to signs posting the speed limit in school zones, signs warning people about cameras would have to be added as well.

Here’s how the cameras would work:

  • If a vehicle is going more than 10 miles per hour over the active school zone speed limit, the camera would take a picture of the license plate.
  • An officer would then look back at the pictures or video and decide whether to mail a $100 fine to the registered owner.
  • When school is in session, the bill would still allow fines for people caught going more than 10 miles per hour over the regular speed limit.
  • The vehicle’s owner would be able to review the footage and contest the fine if they wanted.

The bill also breaks down how those $100 fines from speeding in school zones would be used.

The bulk of the money would stay in the local school district to pay for safety measures.

  • $60 for local public safety initiatives, which would include speed detection systems in school zones, the bill said.
  • $12 toward initiatives that would make it safer to walk to school
  • $5 to recruit and keep crossing guards

If this passes, there would not be any fines for at least the first 30 days, so there’s enough time to educate drivers about the new law.

About the Author
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Ashley Harding joined the Channel 4 news team in March 2013. She anchors News4Jax at 5:30 and 6:30 and covers Jacksonville city hall.