News4JAX remembers the life of ‘behind-the-scenes hero’ Jason Mealey

Former Channel 4 employees also shares their memories, condolences

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Jason Mealey

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. – The News4JAX family remembers the life and impact of Jason Mealey, known as a “behind-the-scenes hero” in the newsroom.

Jason would have celebrated his 13th anniversary at The Local Station on Thursday, but his life was cut short after a heart attack at 48 years old just a day before.

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Jason was an Emmy-award-winning news producer and assignment desk editor whose presence reached everyone in the newsroom. He was also instrumental in the creation and launch of our News4JAX Help Center. Many of the articles answering your Frequently Asked Questions were written by Jason.

A few current and former members of the Channel 4 family wanted to share their memories of Jason and the positive impact he had on them.

Jason was serious about the work. He found his place on the desk, planning and organizing. I was so happy he was just recognized by fellow co-workers recently for his kindness, patience and creativity. That made me smile then and it makes me remember him as a whole person, not just a co-worker but a friend who cared.

Morning Show Anchor Melanie Lawson

When breaking news was happening, Jason was all in. Making calls, getting off the desk to booth our live TV cut-ins, looking up information, building graphics, and staying on top of multiple crews in the field. But away from the breaking news scene, he was always loyal, kind, and laid-back, and I could talk to him about anything. No matter how serious or not serious the topic was. He never failed to challenge me or lift me up when I needed it most. I remember he shared a very creative news story from a Baltimore station with me and encouraged me to think outside the box the way this particular reporter did. It was a challenge I accepted, and the story that came of that encouragement is one I am still proud of to this day.

I honestly don’t know how our weekend shows are going to make it without him. He’s so very missed.

Weekend Anchor Reporter Ashley Harding

Jason was passionate about his work. He was always friendly and warm. We will miss his kindness in our newsroom.

Morning Show Anchor Jenn Waugh

I always think about how lucky I was to have Jason on the desk for my on-call weekends.

I seem to have the worst luck with big stories on those weekends, but I always felt at ease having him at the station. He was on top of everything and was always pushing to get us on the newest, latest stories.

He saw so many of this city’s biggest tragedies- from the mass shootings at the Dollar General last year to the one at the Landing in 2018- not to mention, everything in between. Those were tense moments, but he understood how to handle them and keep our community informed and safe.

When the Dollar General shooting happened, he got us on the air, coordinated multiple crews, kept me in the loop every step of the way, and stayed late to be sure I was prepared and had all the support I needed. He was an integral part of our team that I could not have done without that day.

Managing Editor Kenna Rodgers Bear


Always complemented the style in which I edit my packages and stories.

We specifically spoke a lot about the latest bridge standup video I edited in the Solar Eclipse story last Sunday about 3D tracking 3 elements on the screen.

We spoke a lot about filmmaking, editing and graphics.

I will never forget how he got away from what he was doing to teach me how to use one of the Pre-pro machines.

We always had conversations about who had the better editing software.

Jason was so kind, supportive, and nice to me and to everyone in our newsroom, which will never be the same.

He will be greatly missed.

May his soul rest in heavenly peace.

Photographer Foad Zabaneh

I am stunned and heartbroken by the passing of our dear colleague Jason Mealey. He and I worked closely together to build and launch the News4JAX Help Center. He was very proud of it, and rightly so. Many of the articles that answer our viewers’ Frequently Asked Questions were written by Jason.

He took such pride in his work, and it showed in how he pitched in on every aspect of our news process, from assigning crews to producing shows to writing stories for our web site. Jason was a true jack-of-all-trades and one of our behind-the-scenes heroes. I enjoyed our chats on Saturday mornings when there were few other people in the building. We often bonded over our shared love of animals and our shared grief after we both lost our fathers.

In a newsroom full of unique personalities, Jason was truly one-of-a-kind. He is deeply missed.

Senior Web Producer Francine Frazier

I had the privilege of working closely with Jason for about 7 months, when I started working weekends, and since day 1, he was always a kind, helpful and genuine human.

The weekends can get a little lonely sometimes since there’s not a lot of people here. There were times when it was only Jason and me in the newsroom, and even if we weren’t talking, knowing that he was there gave me a sense of peace, comfort and safety. I just knew that if I needed help with anything web-related, or anything really, he would have my back.

Jason’s passion for journalism was evident. He was always making sure I had the most updated information in my stories and suggested push alerts to send out. He would be my go-to for any questions I had, and he would always have an answer – and if he didn’t, he would make sure to find that answer for me.

The weekends will not be the same without Jason. He will forever be missed in this newsroom.

Rest in peace.

Digital Producer Marcela Camargo

Jason was a tremendous asset to Channel 4. Always a dedicated newsman. Experienced and thoughtful. He had so many jobs at this station from taking calls from viewers to producing newscasts to managing crews on various shifts. He always showed up professional with a great attitude. And he had one extra job that I’ll personally miss… Jason was a huge pro wrestling fan and he became the de facto producer of our new venture “Going Ringside With The Local Station” which covers that world.

He was a great guy and a good friend and he’s definitely missed.

Weekend Anchor & Reporter Scott Johnson

My memories of Jason: When he started here, I thought he came from another shift. It wasn’t uncommon for someone from the morning to move to nights or weekends to weekdays. His confidence, calmness and newsroom demeanor was of someone who had things under control.

My favorite Jason story: I was working on a Saturday and the weather was beautiful. I stepped into the newsroom to let the team know the weather was not going to be an issue. As I briefed the team, Jason was on the phone, at the assignment desk behind me. He was rifling off questions to the person on the other end of the phone like a seasoned reporter. I left the newsroom saying, if you need extra time, take it from Weather.

Minutes later Jason came bounding into the studio. When a big guy has a pep in his step and he is steaming a path right to you, well, you can’t help but take note.

As he hot footed it across the studio, he had a huge smile on his face. Jason asked, can we really take weather time? I said, it’s beautiful out and it continues tomorrow, back to you.

Without breaking his smile he said, I’ll keep you posted. I’ve got breaking news everywhere! I need more time and more reporters. I said, take what you need, I’ll be here.

As he left the studio, he looked back with that smile and said, I love this stuff!

Like I said Jason was a big guy and I am sure the void, the hole left in his family’s heart is just as big.

To Jason’s Family: I am sorry for your immense loss. Thank you for bringing him into this world and raising a good man. We are all fortunate to have had the opportunity to know Jason. Thank you.

Chief Meteorologist Richard Nunn

Day in and day out, we cover tough stories... but nothing can prepare you for learning about the loss of a colleague. Jason and I were desk mates, we shared a space throughout the week. Every time I bought a new floral mousepad, a small painted llama or my ceramic cowboy boot pen cup... I always wondered if Jason would hate it, but he never said anything about my growing collection of desk tchotchkes.

Jason and I shared a love for sports. Every fall, we’d spend time talking football—often taking jabs at each other (he was a BIG Ravens fan and I, a Jaguars fan). In January 2023, when the Jaguars had a home playoff game, Jason made sure I secured tickets and good ones at that.

Jason was a dedicated, award-winning journalist. He was passionate and hard-working, always willing to jump in where he was needed. He was a kind, caring, funny guy who will be dearly missed in our newsroom.

My thoughts and prayers are with his wife, Michelle, his friends and family.

Assignment Desk Manager Lexi Suda

Jason and I were hired in to the Channel 4 family within just a few months together. We worked weekends and formed a bond debating the virtues of our favorite sports teams. Jason loved his Baltimore Ravens and Orioles!

Sometimes opinionated, always willing to discuss an issue, and committed to making our news coverage the best it could be.

I am going to miss my friend Jason, and pray for incredible Godly comfort for his family during this time of mourning.

Anchor Kent Justice

When I first started Jason saw my eye for photography instantly. He would always encourage me to try something different, and send me examples of award winning stories he thought I could emulate. As a young photog in the business, and a woman in a male dominated industry, this helped build my confidence into the journalist I am now.

Jason and I also won our first Emmy together for the coverage of the mass shooting at the landing. It was Jason’s voice on the phone that day who called me to inform me of the tragic news and get me in to help with coverage.

He’s someone who has always believed in me and my storytelling, and I’ll never forget the encouraging presence that instilled so much confidence into a young person trying to find their way.

Photographer Ciara Earrey

This feels like a bad dream. I’ve been working with Jason for nearly nine years. I’ve spent Thanksgiving with him, Christmases, and countless other holidays where we all loved each other like family. We’ve had hurricane sleepovers at the station and recently just watched the solar eclipse together. My heart goes out to his wife and family.

Digital Media & Engagement Manager Carianne Luter

Please keep the News4JAX family in your prayers. Devoted producer Jason Mealey passed away unexpectedly today.

I had the privilege of working with him for more than a decade. He was passionate about news and Baltimore sports. He held down the weekend assignment desk, juggling many responsibilities. He loved his wife Michelle dearly.

Life is precious. We will miss you, Jason.

Former News4JAX Anchor Vic Micolucci

BIG hugs to Jason Mealey’s family and our WJXT4 The Local Station / News4JAX family.

I worked with Jason on weekends and I can say there were only a few things that trumped his love for news… football, family and pets.

Jason also had a sense of humor… and for those who knew him, will know what I’m talking about.

What I’ll remember most about Jason is the way he championed young journalists to thrive while being creative.

RIP, Jason. You will be missed

Former News4JAX Reporter Zach Lashway

This is so sad. Working in news can be a very tough job. Jason was always there on the weekends to offer constructive criticism and direction- while also validating my work and guiding us through not-so-good days. He had the temperament and drive of a journalist; a role model for anyone who wanted to excel at the station. I am so shocked and saddened to hear of his sudden passing. I send many condolences to the family of this kind and diligent man

Former News4JAX Producer Casey Craig

So saddened by this news. Jason was a great guy and always stuck up for what was right. Praying for his wife and brother.

Former News4JAX Reporter Ashley Spicer

Nothing can prepare you for news like this. I knew Jason well, many years we worked together, his wife and his family need prayers and support, and to all who knew him may you find comfort in the memories.

Michelle, we are here for you, and Jason, you will be missed, thank you for the many great years of friendship and kindness.

The world stopped today and stood still…

Jason Mealey, you were a blessing to all of us.

Senior Editor Matthew Kinzig

Reliable, calm, and dependable are all words that describe Jason. Memories of him that make me smile usually happened on the weekends – that’s when I’m at times the bearer of bad news. When police sources contact me about breaking news, I’d call Jason on the assignment desk to give him the information. He would answer my call and I would say, “Hey Jason! as chipper and pleasant as I could... He’d always chuckle and say: “Well -- this can’t be good.” His response got funnier each time, because we would repeat the same words, each time.

Anchor Joy Purdy

About the Author
Kendra Mazeke headshot

Proud alumnus of Bethune-Cookman University.
