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Tips for battling swimsuit insecurities

If you’re feeling insecure about putting on a swimsuit this summer, you’re not alone, a lot of people worry about their appearance.

“Terms like ‘beach body’ and ‘bikini body’ perpetuate this myth that there is only one acceptable body type,” said Dr. Susan Albers, a psychologist for Cleveland Clinic. “This can also trigger a lot of disordered eating and crash diets before the summer.”

Albers said social media doesn’t help either.

In the summer, our feeds are often filled with photos of people in swimsuits, and that can cause some to compare themselves to others.

To help combat those kinds of negative thoughts, she said it might be a good idea to take a break from social media, or only follow body-positive accounts instead.

She also suggests taking part in activities and hobbies that bring you joy, then you’re not as focused on your appearance.

And finally, it’s important to be kind to yourself.

“Your body is listening to you. Speak to your body as if you are talking to a friend or a child. When you speak negatively to your body, it releases cortisol, the stress hormone in the body, and your body responds,” said Albers. “So being compassionate and talking to your body with positive words helps to boost your self-esteem and your body image.”

Albers reminds parents that kids are always listening, so if they hear you talking negatively about your body, they may start to do the same.