Glynn County offers cooling, charging stations, recovery resources; schools closed Monday

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GLYNN COUNTY, Fla. – Glynn County has opened cooling and charging stations to aid recovery from Hurricane Helene.

The county and Brunswick are implementing a curfew starting Monday at midnight through 6 a.m.

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RELATED: Ware, Glynn, Brantley, Pierce counties among school closures due to Hurricane Helene

The administrative offices, courts and schools will be closed on Monday, Sept. 30.

Public Safety (GCPD, BPD, GCSO): some roadways may be closed due to utility work or hazards, please limit travel, and adhere to driving rules when lights are not working (4-way stop rule); staffing intersections to help with traffic control; continuing to patrol neighborhoods and roadways; will be out to oversee curfew this evening.

The traffic lights are out at the following intersections:

  • Spur 25 and Highway 303 (light has power but is on flash)
  • Highway 17 and 4th Street
  • Highway 17 and Chapel Crossing
  • Highway 17 and Dungeness Drive
  • Highway 17 and Pilot Lane
  • Highway 17 and JF Harris
  • Highway 17 and I-95
  • Altama Avenue and Chapel Crossing
  • Altama Avenue and Altama Connector
  • Altama Avenue and Habersham Street
  • Norwich Street and 4th Street
  • Caution Light in front of FLETC on Chapel Crossing

911: services are up and running for incoming calls; non-emergency number is down as well as text services

GA Power: An estimated 10,000 customers had power restored Saturday.

Jekyll Island Authority: working on final stages of road clean up on the island; some power coming online; most hotels on generators; will re-open amenities and services on island as power comes back on; will be joining County and City with curfew.

Public Works (City and County): continuing to clear trees and roads, will begin public spaces soon; GDOT contractors are also working on clearing roads and restoring signals; currently working with vendor to begin debris management and removal plan; will begin sending out information for citizens; working to get traffic signals back online following power supply restoration.

Hospital: no operational issues; all services on go

JWSC: all water operational; some pump stations have come back online with power; crews will be working overnight to keep stations on generators and for bypass; public reminder – if you do not have power, assume the pump station in your area may not have power either and please conserve water.

Republic Services: garbage and trash pick-up will resume on Monday with a regular schedule; for County residents - if your pickup was not done on Friday, you may take it to the drop-off location at no charge.

College of Coastal Georgia: main campus is back online with power; Camden campus is not; will make announcement Sunday regarding class schedule.

Community Announcements:

Golden Isles YMCA: Beginning Saturday, Golden Isles YMCA will be open until 5pm for community members to use the facility for device charging, showers or to seek a cool space.

First Jordan Grove Missionary Baptist Church: The church has opened its kitchen for community members to utilize the microwave or ovens if they need to. Contact the Pastor for use.

United Way: United Way of Coastal Georgia is offering assistance for people seeking services related to hurricane recovery. Call 912-265-1850 to talk with a United Way worker.

Cooling and Charging stations:

  • The Ballard Gymnasium at 30 Nimitz Drive in the days ahead from 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. to serve as a cooling facility and provide phone charging services.
  • Worth it Nation Church, 1504 Fourth St.
  • First Jordan Grove, 2004 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.
  • First African Baptist Church, 1416 Amherst St., Brunswick
  • St. James Lutheran, 2229 Starling St ( 10:30 a.m. – 6 p.m. ); lunch & dinner will be available
  • Marshes of Glynn Public Library will be open 2-6 p.m. Sunday and 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Monday as a cooling and charging station with public wi-fi services available. NOTE: regular library services will NOT be open.

Officials said they are working on getting assistance for supplies and individual assistance as needed.

An announcement will be made regarding local resources and agencies for the public.

About the Author
Jonathan Lundy headshot

Hailing from Detroit, Jonathan is excited to start his media career at News4JAX in November 2023. He is passionate about telling stories that matter to the community and he is honored to serve Jacksonville.
