For those waiting on debris removal in Flagler County after Hurricane Milton, help is on the way

Flooding in Flagler County. (Copyright 2024 by WJXT News4JAX - All rights reserved.)

FLAGLER COUNTY, Fla. – Unincorporated parts of Flagler County that are in the initial debris cleanup phase from Hurricane Milton may start to see the removal of vegetative debris as early as Monday.

Work clearing away tree branches, lawn clippings, logs, and plants is scheduled to begin on the right-of-ways along the John Anderson and Old Kings Road corridors.

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Clean-up will proceed to the eastern areas of the county and work westward.

The pickup is estimated to take a few weeks, however, the current schedule may change due to contractor progress when going from area to area.

To speed up the process for cleanup crews, remember to separate debris from regular household garbage.

Debris should also be separated into categories like vegetation, construction/demolition materials, appliances, and electronics. Separating your debris will make pickup go smoother and prevent a higher volume of delays.

For your safety and the safety of cleanup crews, place debris without blocking driveways, roadways, mailboxes, or utility poles, and avoid obstructing ditches to prevent further flooding in your area.

City of Bunnell

The City of Bunnell has begun officially collection of post-storm debris. All storm-related debris should have been placed by the roadside by Sunday, Oct. 20.

The city will make 1 pass through the entire City for post-storm debris collection (started Monday). This one pass may take up to three or more weeks to complete. As each area of the city is cleared, it will be posted to the city’s website.

To be picked up, piles MUST be separated and placed along the roadside. Piles should be:

  • Vegetation- leaves, branches, and trees ONLY in compact pile (NOT 2x4s or other wood products)
  • Bulk Items- bagged household trash, 2x4s, baseboards, wood trim, drywall, furniture, carpeting, cabinetry, etc.
  • Large Appliances- refrigerator, freezer, stove, washer/dryer, water heater, etc.

NO HAZARDOUS WASTE IS BEING COLLECTED. Citizens must take any hazardous waste to the appropriate dumping location.

Debris MUST be placed at the roadside, not across a swale. The trucks cannot safely reach across a swale/ditch to pick up any debris.

If you do not want something picked up, DO NOT store it or place it at the roadside. Store it far away from the roadside on your property. If there are items placed at the roadside, they will be picked up.

Avoid blocking ditches and swales to prevent additional flooding and support stormwater drainage.

Avoid placing piles near or under ANY obstruction like overhead wires, mailboxes, utility pedestals, cars, etc.

Please understand that not all debris will be picked up in one day; the City will be running all regular solid waste service routes as usual and also picking up storm debris. In order to not affect the regular solid waste services provided to customers, debris pick up is being completed, daily when possible, once regular route work is completed.

Please be patient and know debris will be collected, but it could take up to 3 weeks for all storm debris to be collected.

We appreciate your cooperation in placing debris out properly and understanding about how the debris collection process is being completed.