ORLANDO, Fla – December has been the month that Americans spend the most on alcohol for the past four years, last year, Americans spent over $37 billion on alcohol. So, it’s very likely any holiday party you go to will have alcohol at it.
The holiday season can be one of the hardest times to stay sober. In fact, 29 percent of non-drinkers say they feel judged for not drinking. Eddie Wilder is 30 years sober and said wanting to stay sober should not stop you from enjoying yourself this time of year.
“Give yourself that opportunity to be social, be present, and most importantly, be responsible,” said Eddie Wilder, Life Coach.
One way you can plan for success is to BYOB. Not bring your own booze but Bring Your Own Beverage.
“In fact, even just having a glass of seltzer with some chopped up lemon in there, it makes you feel like you’re social,” said Wilder.
Also, make a plan for what you want to do at the party.
“What you can do is, I lock down and I like to help out. Hey, do you need me to help clean up during the party? Hey, do you want me to refill chips and stuff like that. Those are little tricks that you can do that keep you active during a party. And more importantly set your boundaries,” explained Wilder.
And setting boundaries can be anything from deciding how long you want to spend at a party, who you’re going to talk to, and if you want to go to that party in the first place.
“If other people tell you what to do, there’s always going to be that kind of judgment and there’s going to be that kind of resistance. And that’s why when someone offers you a drink, you say, ‘Hey, no thank you,’” said Wilder.
You don’t have to make excuses. It’s your party. Enjoy it the way you want to.
Cutting back or stopping drinking is also healthy for you. In one study, six in 10 people reported having better sleep, and some lost weight after a month sober. Other studies have found improvements in liver inflammation, blood pressure, and insulin sensitivity.