JACKSONVILLE, Fla. – It’s often called a rare sighting that’s a sign of good luck when a white or albino squirrel is spotted.
While in the Avondale neighborhood, Natalie Samsonyuk and her fiancé Vasilli Isakov stumbled upon the uncommon occurrence a few days ago and captured video of an albino squirrel roaming about on Hershel Street.
“Vasilli was the first to see it. He came home and said, ‘I need to show you something. What were the chances of seeing it twice in a day?’ I had never seen anything like that. I could not believe my eyes. It was gorgeous,” Samsonyuk said.
MORE | Tracking white squirrels: These rare animals appear to be living in at least 3 areas of Jacksonville
Wildlife experts said the unique squirrels are born with a genetic trait that causes the animal to have little or total lack of pigment. They consider albino squirrels rare because only 1 in 100,000 is born with the genetic trait.
Legend has it that if someone spots an albino squirrel, they will have good luck.
That may be true because Samsonyuk‘s fiancé, who is a sculptor, received good news about new sculpting projects the same day they saw the squirrel.
“We got two exciting projects. One in New York and one in Atlantic Beach. We will make sculptures featuring nature in Jacksonville,” Samsonyuk said.
Have you ever seen an albino squirrel?