
Heat wave can be dangerous if you don't take precautions

Extreme heat can be deadly unless you play it safe during triple digit temps

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. – Temperatures are expected to hit nearly triple digits in some parts of our area this holiday weekend and experts warn you to take precautions to avoid excessive exposure outdoors during the heat wave.

Parents are doing what they can to allow their kids to play outside at Landon Park and survive the sizzling heat.

Many children started to play early on Saturday at the park, then headed back inside.

"You have to keep them hydrated and just keep an eye on them. Make sure they are doing alright and take them in and out of air conditioning every once in a while," parent Albert Kilentezni said.

Other parents resort to cold treats such as Popsicles and ice cream to keep their kids cool and hydrated.

Many parents said they chose the park because of its large trees and the shade they provide.

"Staying in the shade, this park in San Marco is nice because it has a lot of tree coverage and the playground equipment doesn't get too hot," parent Leslie Cummings said.

Dr. David El Hassan with St. Vincent's Primary Care said extreme heat accounts for roughly 1,500 deaths each year, all of which are preventable.

Hassan provided tips to help you and your family stay safe during the heat wave:

  • Avoid working in the heat.
  • Take breaks frequently.
  • Drink plenty of water, even when you're not thirsty. 
  • Remember to check on children and elderly often because they are most at risk for heat-related conditions. 
  • If left untreated, heat exhaustion can be deadly and lead to heat stroke.
  • Heat cramps in the legs and abdomen can be an early sign of heat exhaustion.
  • Get out of the heat immediately if you start having cramps or feel confused.

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