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Palm Coast lounge patrons tackle gunman dressed like 'Rambo'

Patron stabbed while disarming gunman, Flagler County deputies say

PALM COAST, Fla. – Flagler County deputies who rushed to a report of a man armed with an "Uzi-style-assault rifle" in a Palm Coast lounge late Saturday night found the suspect had been apprehended by patrons, according to an arrest report.

The scene unfolded about 11:25 p.m. at the Europa Lounge in the European Village-area of Palm Coast. Daniel Allen Noble, 37, entered the lounge dressed like "Rambo" carrying a rife and two hunting-style knives, the Flagler County Sheriff's Office said. 

Noble's ultimate intentions are unclear because two patrons "were able to grab the barrel of the rifle and point it downward, but not before one or two shots were fired into the ground without hitting anyone," according Cmdr. Bob Weber.

LISTEN: 911 calls in 'Rambo' arrest (Warning: Contains graphic language)

After Palm Coast residents Vassili Mironov, 28, and Roman Dubinsechi, 23, disarmed Noble, deputies said Noble grabbed one of the hunting knives and lashed out at the two men.

"The two men wrestled with Noble, who was then taken to the ground by patrons and rendered unconscious," Weber said. The patrons who helped disarm Noble were not seriously injured.

Noble was taken to Florida Hospital Flagler where he was treated for minor injuries, then arrested on several charges, including attempted murder and two counts of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. He is being held without bond in the Flagler County jail.