Neighbor says son killed outside father's St. Nicholas home

Jacksonville police give no details other than man shot dies at hospital

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. – The morning after a man found shot outside a St. Nicholas home died at a hospital, neighbors told News4Jax the victim was 27-year-old Amos Lee III. 

Jacksonville police only said officers found a man lying in the road outside a home on Wood Avenue about 1 a.m. News4Jax as learned the home belongs to the victim's father and the son sometimes lived there.

A homicide detective did not identify the victim, give the circumstances that led up to the shooting or say whether anyone was arrested, but did say there is no danger to the public.

People who live along Wood Avenue said they know both the victim and his father and the incident leaves them shaken.

"It’s a crazy situation," said one neighbor who didn't want to be identified. "You don’t imagine stuff like this happening, especially to people you knew growing up."

Another neighbor who spoke with News4Jax said he's closed to the father.

"(The) father loved his son. He would do anything for him," the neighbor said.

Court records show the father filed a domestic violence injunction against his son in 2013. The father told authorities at the time that he had to call the police because his son had threatened to stab him, blow up the house and beat up his daughter because of an argument over a pair of pants.

Jail records show Amos Lee III one of his previous arrests was for domestic battery. In a letter to a judge after he was convicted on that charge in 2011, Lee wrote asked for his sentence to be reduced because he needed to be with his twins.

"I know I have an anger problem," Lee III wrote to Judge Russell Healey.  "I'm not a bad dude or a bad dad."

Healy denied that request.