American Veterinary Medical Association says veterinarians have highest turnover rate in medical field

Veterinarians have the highest turnover rate in the medical field according to the American Veterinary Medical Association.

This means there are less doctors sticking around to treat your pet.

Veterinarian Dr. Carlos Aguiar sees this shortage in most animal hospitals.

“The shortage is mainly in emergency veterinarians for animals that are critical. I have seen a lot of clients frustrated because their animals aren’t seen in the right around of time,” said Dr. Carlos Aguiar, owner of the Healmobile Vets Veterinary.

Poor work-life balance, stress, and not feeling valued are the top three reasons for this turnout according to the American Veterinary Medical Association.

It’s causing a trickledown effect on animal shelters.

“With our public clinic we just had to stop accepting appointments from the public,” said Lindsay Layendecker, the Director of Communications of Jacksonville Humane Society.

Veterinarians who’ve decided to stick around also have heavy workloads.

Dr. Augiar encourages pet owners to practice preventative care.

“Pet owners should be more proactive in trying to schedule with their primary doctor to get preventive care, so they don’t end up in the ER. Some of these conditions are preventable,” said Dr. Augiar.

While vets are in short supply, demand is up and as of now there’s no expected date when this shortage will end.