UNF board votes to increase cost of student housing 4% each of the next 3 years

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. – For the first time in eight years, it will soon cost more to live on campus at the University of North Florida than off campus.

The school’s Board of Trustees voted unanimously to approve the proposal at a meeting on Monday, the Spinnaker reported.

The reason given for the proposed price jump is to cover maintenance and upkeep costs.

The agenda for the meeting says, “The increase will allow UNF to maintain financial responsibilities to our bondholders, continue to provide quality services to our residents, and maintenance to our facilities.”

On average, this increase will be about 4.25% every year for the next three years. This will depend on the type of room and the location of the building. Some rooms are furnished, and some are not.

Some rooms charge by the month, and others by semester, so there are a variety of options for students.