After years of being abused by her ex-boyfriend, one woman is now helping others get away from their abusers

Hubbard House, JSO brought awareness to domestic violence during Monday news conference

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. – A woman spoke out Monday to share her story after suffering years of abuse by her former boyfriend.

Melissa is one of many abuse survivors who spoke out during Domestic Violence Awareness Month.

Melissa has now committed her life to helping others get away from their abusers.

For many it’s difficult to talk about being choked, beaten and abused by someone you love, but in front of local law enforcement and advocacy groups during a news conference on Monday, Melissa spoke her truth.

When she was 17 years old, Melissa was being abused by her boyfriend. She stayed with him for 15 years before getting help.

“For me, the thing that made me say I was leaving was when the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office came to our house and they said let me tell you about the Hubbard House,” Melissa said.

Melissa escaped her abuser but for other local women, the abuse became deadly.

North Pridgen of Jacksonville was sentenced to 30 years in prison and 10 years probation for murdering his ex-girlfriend Teresa Gorczyca.

A jury also found Chad Absher guilty of murdering his ex-girlfriend.

Terrell Lewis pleaded guilty to the triple murders of the mother of his son, Johnisha Williams and her siblings.

In 12 months, from 2022 to 2023, Hubbard House helped over 4,800 people and sheltered 808 survivors and children. This is just one of many services to help in addition to law enforcement.

“By holding domestic abusers accountable and linking survivors to services we can reduce the threat of lethality,” Jacksonville Sheriff T.K. Waters said.

For Melissa, she has committed her life to encouraging others to escape abuse.

“My goal is that someone who is in a bad situation will hear and will understand that they can have hope, they can get out and the person that is hurting them is lying,” Melissa said.

There are multiple signs of abuse that can include physical, emotional, sexual and economic abuse.

JSO and Hubbard House want people to know that they are here to help 24/7.

Survivors of domestic violence can access help through the 24/7 Hubbard House Hotline at (904) 354-3114 or Textline at (904) 210-3698. Survivors can also make an appointment or walk into the Hubbard House Outreach Center at 6629 Beach Blvd, Monday-Friday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. All Hubbard House services are free and confidential.

If you or someone you know is or has been a victim of domestic violence or abuse, here’s a list of resources available:

  • Hubbard House Hotline (904) 354-3114 or Textline (904) 210-3698
  • The Florida Domestic Violence Hotline, which will direct you to the nearest shelter, is 1-800-500-1119.
  • The National Domestic Violence Hotline is open 24 hours a day. The number is 1-800-799-SAFE.
  • The Micah’s Place (Nassau County) Domestic Violence Help Hotline is 904-225-9979.
  • The Quigley House (Clay County) hotline is 904-284-0061.
  • The Betty Griffin Center (St. Johns County) can be reached at 904-824-1555.